Portage Glacier Cruise and AWCC
Hop on a boat to see the famous Portage Glacier, then meet the local wildlife up close!
8:30am - Enjoy fresh coffee and continental
breakfast at the lodge
9:30am - Travel in our comfortable Sprinter
Van along the Scenic Seward
Highway to Portage Glacier
-- approximately 1.5 hour drive
-- water and snacks provided
-- van may also stop along route
for photo opportunities
12:00pm - Hop aboard the M/V Ptarmigan
-- Enjoy a one-hour cruise to the
Portage Glacier for photos and a
chance to witness glacial calving
1:30pm - Drive to the Alaska Wildlife
Conservation Center
-- Explore the park at your leisure
and meet the local animals
-- Food and snack options available
3:30pm - Depart for the lodge
5:00pm - Arrive at lodge
*Times are flexible, based on guest needs
-- $189 per person
-- $99 for kids 7 and under
Price includes transportation, cruise tickets, and AWCC entry